
Ishigaki Island, Taketomi Island, Hateruma Island, Yonaguni Island Trip (2023/08/12~2023/08/19)Day 5

Hello! This time I will write about my trip to Okinawa. I went to Ishigaki Island, Taketomi Island, Hateruma Island, and Yonaguni Island.

I'm not goot at English. So, some sentences may be difficult to understand. If you have any questions, plz coment here or write Inquiry Form. I'll reply it.


Kondoi Beach



7:00 a.m. Getting up

8:00 a.m. bus terminal

10:00 a.m. Kabira Bay

11:30 a.m. Remote Island Terminal

12:45 p.m. departure

1:00 p.m. Taketomi Island

1:15 p.m. village

2:00 p.m. Kondoi Beach

2:30 p.m. Kaijihama

3:30 p.m. port

4:30 p.m. departure

4:45 p.m. Remote Island Terminal

8:00 p.m. dinner

11:00 p.m. Going to bed


Kabira Bay

I had no particular plans, so I went to Kabira Bay, where there are many buses. (It takes about 40 minutes). It was a little cloudy. I was in a hurry when the bus came while I was saving money at the post office. (I could get on just in time).


Kabira Bay


Kabira Bay

travel savings

Remote Island Terminal

I bought a seal of a ship. This time I took the Yaeyama Kanko Ferry instead of the Yasunaga Kanko ferry that I took when I visited Hateruma Island, so the gofunin is also from the Yaeyama Kanko Ferry. I like it because of its vivid colors.

signet (on a ship)

There is also a Blue Seal store in the terminal. I had the vanilla and red potato mix soft serve ice cream (400 yen). The cone broke and I spilled a little.


Mix of vanilla and red sweet potato

Taketomi Island

Entrance fee (300 yen) was implemented. (September 2019~. Optional). Present the proof of payment at the reception of Taketomi Island and you will receive a return gift. This time it was a sticker.


returned goods


Taketomi Island

It is a 30-minute walk from the harbor to the village. Renting a bicycle is recommended to get around the island. I tried walking around, but it was too hot and hard. The buildings in the village are beautiful and have an Okinawan feel. The post office is also in line with the surrounding buildings.


Road to the village



Post office

travel savings

There were not many people when I came before, but this time there were many people. There was an extra boat on the return trip because of the large number of people. Also, there were many cats before, but I did not see any this time due to the heat.

Kondoi Beach

There were many people and everyone was bathing. Last time there were many cats here, but this time there was none. Instead, the governor of Okinawa Prefecture was here for a visit.

Kondoi Beach


10~20 minutes by bicycle from Kondoi Beach. Beach where star sand can be collected. Everyone was collecting it in the hot weather. Tried to go to the village from Kaiji beach, but took the wrong road.


The Wrong Way