
Ishigaki Island, Taketomi Island, Hateruma Island, Yonaguni Island Trip (2023/08/12~2023/08/19)Day 8

Hello! This time I will write about my trip to Okinawa. I went to Ishigaki Island, Taketomi Island, Hateruma Island, and Yonaguni Island.

I'm not goot at English. So, some sentences may be difficult to understand. If you have any questions, plz coment here or write Inquiry Form. I'll reply it.


Po-Tama Set Meal and Rafty



6:00 a.m. Getting up

7:30 a.m. breakfast

8:10 a.m. departure from an inn

8:25 a.m. Yonaguni Airport

9:00 a.m. takeoff

9:30 a.m. Ishigaki Airport

10:30 a.m. Remote Island Terminal

11:20 a.m. lunch

2:30 p.m. Ishigaki Airport

4:20 p.m. takeoff

7:00 p.m. Central Japan International Airport





White rice, fried egg, bacon, salad, pickles, soup with mushrooms, ground meat, guava


Yonaguni Airport

You can be picked up and dropped off to arrive a little early. You will have a little time to look around the souvenir shops, but if you want to take your time, we recommend that you look at them the day before. The Awamori jelly does not taste much like Awamori and is slightly sweet, so even those who do not like Awamori will enjoy it.




I had the Po-Tama set meal (800 yen) and the Rafty (700 yen) at a restaurant called Nannu Island, located on the street next to one of the Euglena Malls. The set menus are only served during lunch time. The po-tama was a bit salty. The raftae was tasty.

Nan'anu Island


I bought a wallet. 10,500 yen. I had bought the same one before and wanted something different, but nothing attracted me, so I went with this one.



Ishigaki Airport

It was very crowded because of the Obon season. I was glad I had arrived at the airport early.